Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spare the rod ,spoil the child.

I think that it is acceptable for parents to cane their children if their true intention is to educate them.However, there are some black sheeps around, who cane their children just to vent their frustration. i am against these parents, whose caning are definitely not justified. Some children,as a result of caning, grew more motivated to find other ways of committing foul deeds and covering them up.
If caned too regularly, the child might grow up with suppressed rage and anger management issues. I feel that a better alternative to caning is sitting down and talking to them. This will lead to another issue. If a child could get away with bad behaviour by pretending to be remorseful, and apologising profusely, then sparing the rod would encourage such behaviour. That arrogance would come about when they realise that no matter what they do, they won't ever face punishment.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I refer to this article for today 's blog post.People are lashing out at weather agencies for overstating a threat of a tsunami.I feel that these people have really nothing better to do. Because a tsunami is hard to predict, it is natural that there will be false warnings. Due to the false warning, there will be two side effects. Firstly, people in the costal regions might become complacent and ignore further tsunami warnings. If a tsunami does happen, it will lead to a greater lost of lives.
Also, another understated side effect is that the scientists might become "scared" of giving another false alarm. As a result, they will hesitate to sound the tusnami alert as they fear public anger if it is another false alarm. They would probably only sound it later in future cases when the tusnami is closer to shore. This will lead to lesser evaucation time and possible lost of lives.

**this is all my personal opnion

Monday, March 1, 2010

Poem and naturalist

Life was hard
Life was rough
Life brought him to his death

his left arm was torn up
his dignity was deprived
but his heart was always there

Northern Mockingbird: Breeds from northern California, eastern Nebraska, southern Ontario, and Maritime Canada southward. Spends winters in the southern part of range. Found in residential areas, city parks, farmlands, open country with thickets, and desert brush.
Maycomb probably has plenty of mockingbirds as it is countryside, not a bustling city. The house there have a huge front yard / farmland thus creating a perfect place for the habitat of the mockingbirds.In contrast, in the city, where everything is being built upwards, there is little or no flora and fauna thus lesser mocking birds