Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I refer to this article for today 's blog post.People are lashing out at weather agencies for overstating a threat of a tsunami.I feel that these people have really nothing better to do. Because a tsunami is hard to predict, it is natural that there will be false warnings. Due to the false warning, there will be two side effects. Firstly, people in the costal regions might become complacent and ignore further tsunami warnings. If a tsunami does happen, it will lead to a greater lost of lives.
Also, another understated side effect is that the scientists might become "scared" of giving another false alarm. As a result, they will hesitate to sound the tusnami alert as they fear public anger if it is another false alarm. They would probably only sound it later in future cases when the tusnami is closer to shore. This will lead to lesser evaucation time and possible lost of lives.

**this is all my personal opnion

1 comment:

  1. I agree that people should `not be so unreasonable. Those people who are complaining should not do so and instead treat it as a precaution.
